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Paul Gillin's Blog - Social Media and the Open Enterprise: Input appreciated for blogger survey
Paul Gillin's Blog - Social Media and the Open Enterprise
Saturday, May 20, 2006
  Input appreciated for blogger survey
As part of research for my book, I want to survey bloggers about their motivations and opinions about blogging. Here's a survey I created. I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions you care to contribute before I launch it. If you're willing to help direct bloggers to the survey form, please note that in a comment. Thank you!

Clarification (5/22). This is just a draft survey that I'm posting for input. Several people have asked about how they can take the survey with no input forms. I guess I did a lousy job of explaining that this is just a draft :-). The final survey will be posted on a commercial service soon. Thanks!

This survey is being conducted as part of research for a book on social media. It is intended to measure bloggers’ attitudes toward blogging and their motivations for contributing to blogs. Results will be posted at and regularly updated once a sufficient number of responses has been received.

1. Do you contribute to one or more weblogs?
No (terminate)

2. How long have you been blogging?
Less than one year
One to two years
More than two years

3. To what types of blogs do you regularly contribute? Please check all that apply.

4. How many blogs do you regularly contribute to?
More than 3

5. Approximately how many hours do you spend writing for blogs every week?
Less than one
One to three
Three to five
More than five

6. Approximately how many blog entries do you post in an average week across all blogs to which you contribute?
Less than one
One or two
Three to five
More than five

7. Why do you blog? Please check all that apply
Capture memories
Career advancement
Connect with people with similar interests
Employer requires it
Influence market or discussion of a topic
It just feels good
Keep in touch with family/friends
Make money/hope to make money

8. How many blogs do you read at least once per week?
Fewer than five
Six to ten
11 to 20
21 to 30
More than 30

9. Do you subscribe to RSS feeds?
Don’t know

10. How do you believe your reading of blogs has affected your consumption of mainstream media such as television, radio and newspapers? Has your use of mainstream media:
Increased substantially
Increased somewhat
Neither increased or decreased
Decreased somewhat
Decreased substantially
Don’t know

11. In your opinion, how credible are the blogs that you read regularly?
Very credible
Somewhat credible
Not very credible
Not at all credible
Don’t know

12. In your opinion, how credible are blogs in general?
Very credible
Somewhat credible
Not very credible
Not at all credible
Don’t know

13. In which of the following social media activities or services do you also regularly participate ?

File sharing
Instant messaging
Multiplayer games
Photo sharing
Social bookmarking
Social networks
Video blogging

14. In which ways do you derive income from your blog? Please check all that apply
I don’t derive income from blogging
Affiliate commissions (ex: Commission Junction)
Contextual advertising (ex: Google AdSense)
Paid writing assignments
Product sales

15. In the space below, please describe your most important motivations for blogging

Tell us about yourself.

16. Are you male or female?

17. How old are you?
Under 18
Over 65

18. Where do you live?
North America
South America
Australia/New Zealand

[Optional] Please list the URLs of all blogs to which you regularly contribute

[Optional]If you would like to be notified when results are available, please enter your e-mail address. This address will be used only to notify you of the availability of survey results.
I agree with Scott. "Contribute" is an ambiguous word. I think you should say "write" (vs. commenting which is also considered blogging by many). Throughout, I think you need to be very clear about what is blogging and capture accurately people's commenting behavior on others blogs as separatge from writing their own blog.
I would break out AdSense vs other contextual advertising programs.
Thanks for the helpful advice! Please keep the suggestions coming.
It's not because you don't contribute to blogs, that you don't read them. Therefore I would suggest not to 'terminate' if you answer 'no' to the first question. Possibly this could give you an idea of how many are 'lurking'.
Liz here from I Speak of Dreams I came here via Jojo; I'm sending it out to my non-A-list blog friends and my using-blogs-for-education friends.

Blogging is like frozen desserts: so many recipes, so many flavors.
Good point about not filtering out commenters. Maybe I'll try to make a distinction between commenting and blogging.

If you leave an e-mail address, I'll notify you personally when the survey is live.


#7, Why do you blog? Consider the following:

1) To help you stay up to date in your field

2) Maybe something about promoting your company, as opposed to simply "career advancement."
Paul, I think some in the blogosphere have been tainted by surveys about blogging. We're still awaiting results from the "MIT Weblog Survey."
See my follow-up to a follow-up at

Good Luck!

you may find it wise to define "regularly" in question 4 in order to get good data from that question.

I'm afraid that I don't have suggestions for other options for question 7 off the top of my head, but I don't think you've captured the motivations of many political bloggers there.

Have you considered asking a question about trackbacks in addition to your RSS question (9)? E.g., does your blog software support trackbacks? Do you regularly send trackbacks?

On question 13, you might want to provide examples with the answer options. I'm not sure, for example, that Facebook users mentally categorize the site as "social networking."

Do you want an option for (BBS-style) forums/fora in question 13? They're hardly web2.0, but they're certainly social media in the true sense.

Are you familiar with the results of's 2006 reader survey? The information is here:

Based on the patterns emerging from their 56,000 responses, you may want to add education level and income to your demographic questions.

You may also do well to include a multiple choice question on the type of blogging software / platform that people use, with an "other" option and a free-answer followup, so you can sort your data; or, define what you mean by "blogging." Are you planning on considering responses from people who use LiveSpace and Xanga? MySpace? If a site is on a standard blog platform, but the comments are disabled, do you consider that a blog?

I'm very happy to direct bloggers (business, political, and women) to the survey when it is live; please drop me a line at d2kd3k at gmail dot com --and I'd love to see the results.

Best wishes on a tremendous project!

Shaula Evans
I would like one about the future of you believe blogs will increase in influence in 1,3, 5 years....and also do you see blogs relacing your website
I agree that more options are needed for #7. For example, I am not "required" to blog for work but I have chosen to do it as part of my job. I'd speculate that few people are "required" to do it.

It might also be interesting to understand how much time people spend reading others' blogs. i thikn you captured how long people spend writing but for me the big time commitment is reading/commenting. I agree with others comments on separating out writing on ones own blog and commenting on other blogs.

It might also be interesting to know what tools people use to track the reach of their blogs (technorati, etc.) and *whether* they assign metric goals to their blogs (and maybe even how many views they get on a monthly basis).

And for the question that asks what kind of credibility one assigns to blogs, you might want to ask what makes a blog credible.

Results should be interesting.
Hi, Paul,
In #3, how about a category for News blogs?
Re feeds, would be interesting to know how many feeds people monitor (using RSS) versus read regularly. Example -- I monitor nearly 300, but I don't read them all, all the time.

Re: make money, not sure you've captured the brand building component -- when blogging doesn't deliver direct revenue, but has a reputational effect that perhaps does. You, the soft fuzzy stuff that is really hard to measure :-)
Add to type of blog category:
nonprofit organizations
So many great suggestions! Thanks, everyone. I'll let you know when the final survey is ready. And thanks to those of you who went ahead and sent me answers to the questions, despite the lack of a simple forms interface!
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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