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Paul Gillin's Blog - Social Media and the Open Enterprise: Why the dearth of popular corporate blogs?
Paul Gillin's Blog - Social Media and the Open Enterprise
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
  Why the dearth of popular corporate blogs?
My editor at BtoB Magazine recently asked me to track down a top corporate blogger and interview him/her for a piece on blog marketing. I scoured the top-blogger lists at Technorati, Bloglines and a few others and was surprised to find that, outside of perhaps Scobleizer, no corporate blogs among them. All the top blogs are either maintained by individuals or as distinct business entities in themselves.

I wonder why? Is it simply that working stiffs don't have the time to devote to maintaining popular blogs? Is their subject matter not relevant enough? Do other bloggers not take them seriously enough to link to them? I'd appreciate your comments. I can't figure this one out.
If you're still looking, I know of a few corporate bloggers, as well as people who could point you to more of them. I think most business blogs are simply too narrowly focused to make it to the top of the "popular" pile on the Web. But there certainly are a great many of them now.
I would appreciate any references, thanks.
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